by Natalie Osborne | Nov 25, 2020
AT&T Satellite Dish Demolition « back to All Projects PES worked with Alaska demolition on the demolition of the AT&T Earth Station dish in Talkeetna, Alaska. The dish was a one-hundred foot diameter satellite dish atop a rotating steel frame. PES determined...
by Natalie Osborne | Nov 25, 2020
Chaz Unlimited Aircraft Hangar « back to All Projects PES developed a site design for Chaz Unlimited’ new aircraft paint hangar at Merrill Field on a 3.5 acres parcel. The site design included the extension of water and wastewater services to the property, storm drain...
by Natalie Osborne | Mar 20, 2020
Aviation Support Facility and 110-Man Camp - St. Paul Island, AK « back to All Projects Mr. Pannone provided project engineering services for the construction of an aviation support facility on St. Paul Island for oil exploration in the Navron Basin of the Bering Sea...
by Natalie Osborne | Mar 20, 2020
AIA Instrument Landing System - Anchorage, AK « back to All Projects Mr. Pannone assisted in the development and production of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a new ILS to Runway 14 at the AIA. His involvement was limited to the investigation of airspace...
by Natalie Osborne | Mar 20, 2020
Egegik Airport Master Plan - Egegik, AK « back to All Projects Mr. Pannone provided engineering services, including compiling data from the weather service and developing a wind rose for proper orientation of the proposed runways. The project included runway design...
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